Monastery of Our Lady of the Rosary

To contemplate, and to give. Thus flows the rhythm of Dominican life, sustained by the overtones of Eternal Love. It is a ceaseless rising and falling – an upward surge toward God, in contemplation; an overflow upon men of the Divine largesse, in action.

To contemplate, and to give. Thus flows the rhythm of Dominican life, sustained by the overtones of Eternal Love. It is a ceaseless rising and falling – an upward surge toward God, in contemplation; an overflow upon men of the Divine largesse, in action.

We are deeply grateful to all of you who have so generously supported us over the years, and will always remember you in prayer.

We are no longer taking donations. If you wish to ask for prayer requests or donate, please consider supporting another Dominican monastery instead.

Gifts and Offerings:

We are no longer offering Mass Cards, Rosaries, or other items. Some of these items are now available at other Dominican Monasteries:

Prayer Enrollment Cards:
Dominican Monastery of St. Jude, Marbury, AL

St. Dominic’s Monastery, Linden, VA

Monastery of Our Lady of Grace, North Guilford, CT

Chain Rosaries:
Monastery of Our Lady of Grace, North Guilford, CT

Society of Perpetual Prayer/Our Lady of the Rosary Mass Association:

All the members of the Society from 1918 – 2022 will be perpetually enrolled in each of the following Dominican Monasteries:
Dominican Monastery of St. Jude, Marbury, AL
Monastery of the Mother of God, in West Springfield, MA
Monastery of Our Lady of the Rosary, in Summit, NJ
Monastery of Our Lady of Grace, North Guilford, CT