Baptism God Chose You Card

Card design by the Nuns.  5 x 7 glossy card with card stock insert.  Your personal message (optional) will be printed on vellum paper and enclosed in the card.  Shipped in double envelope.

Inside Left:

The Lord set His heart upon you
and chose you.

Deuteronomy 7:7


Rejoicing with you as you receive
the gift of Baptism.
May faith in the Father, Son & Holy Spirit
be your strength and your joy
all the days of your life.


Inside Right:

One-Year Membership has been conferred on:


in the Our Lady of the Rosary Mass Association
Dominican Nuns
Monastery of Our Lady of the Rosary
Buffalo, New York

You will share for one year in:
1000 Holy Masses offered annually for members,
The in the entire prayer-life of the Nuns:
the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the Divine Office,
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, the Holy
Rosary, and other prayers and good works.

With the prayers and best wishes of:


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Card design by the Nuns.  5 x 7 glossy card with card stock insert.  Your personal message (optional) will be printed on vellum paper and enclosed in the card.  Shipped in double envelope.