Monastic Spirituality

In purity and humility of heart, in living and assiduous contemplation, they love Christ, who is close to the Father’s heart. LCM 1.3

The Search

Of you my heart has spoken: Seek His face! The very essence of monastic life is the ceaseless search for the face of God, for union with Him. It is this burning desire, enkindled by the Holy Spirit, which compels a young woman to leave behind all the good things of this world and embrace a life of solitude and silence, in search of the Beloved.

Yet it is not just we who search for the face of the Beloved it is He who is searching for us, and it is He who draws us even to begin the search for Him. “God, infinitely perfect and blessed in Himself, in a plan of sheer goodness freely created man to make him share in His own blessed life.” (CCC 1) “God needs no one’s company, but He shares His company with those who need Him. For this is the glory of man, to continue and remain steadfastly in God’s service” (St. Irenaeus, Adversus Haereses).

An Undivided Heart

Monastic life entails an ongoing renunciation at every level of one’s being. It is not only sin and sinful inclinations that we leave behind, not just ‘extras’ or things we can do without, but even the very good things of life, such as marriage, family, etc. are relinquished because the love of Christ is all-consuming. Renunciation brings us gradually to a deep and true purity of heart, a heart undivided and intent upon loving the Lord.

A Dwelling Place for the Lord

Monastic life is the full-flowering of the sacrament of baptism. It is a life in which the theological virtues of faith, hope and charity are absolutely essential, and all the other virtues and gifts received at baptism must also grow to full capacity. Like baptism, it is a life immersed in the mystery of the Holy Trinity; of being possessed by God, and of possessing Him, beginning now and reaching into eternity.