
Cards and Offerings

The system is set up so that the descriptive text for each product is drawn by default from the descriptive text for the product’s parent-category or child-category (which you can edit in Products>Categories). If you need to override that text, you can write an individual-product description in the main content field for each product.

You can enter a description in the parent category that will display on single product pages if there is neither an alternate description for the child-category nor for the single product. This is to save you work. Many of the cards across many categories could be served by the one description without you having to enter it over and over again for each category or card.
If, however, a certain category of card (eg the Perpetual Enrollment cards) are consistently different from all the other cards, you can override the Mass Cards description by writing a description for that child-category. Then all the cards in that child-category will get that description by default.
Whether or not there is a child-category description that would otherwise be on display, if you have one single card anywhere that needs an even more specific description, then you should write that description in the main content field for the product itself. In this case, anythng that would otherwise be covered by the parent or child descriptions would need to be included as well as anything additional.
Essentially, only one of the three kinds of descriptions should be on display (and if two are on display, it will be because the “Mass Cards” category has been checked by accident). As long as the parent category has a description, every product will display a description—and it will be the parent-category description unless you have added an alternate description at a lower (child-category or single product) level.